Physics is often described as the study of matter and energy. It is concerned with how matter and energy relate to each other, and how they affect each other over time and through space. Physicists ask the fundamental questions how did the universe begin? how and of what is it made? how does it change? what rules govern its behavior?
The Concepts of Physics
Explain the concepts of physics
Physics is described as the general scientific study of nature that aims to understand the behavior of the universe. Physics, therefore tries to explain how things happen around us or why they happen the way they do. For example, how a car moves from one point to another? Why unlike poles of magnets attract? Why does a mango fall? How is a rainbow formed? And so on.
Physics as a subject uses concepts like force, energy, mass, power among others to explain different phenomena. Energy, for example, may take the form of motion, light or electricity. In so doing, students of Physics get to learn more about matter and energy and how they interact with each other.
Therefore, Physics is the study of the relationship between matter and energy.
The people who study and work professionally in this field are called physicists.
Physics is an experimental science subject, which creates theories that are tested against observations of the natural world. Theories are used to explain why things behave the way they do. This is why physicists always insist on accurate measurements and a record of resultsduring each experiment.
Once these results are in precise mathematical forms, technologists make use of such data when designing devices such as radios, televisions, mobile phones, computers, and artificial satellites. All these things are for the betterment of human life.
The Relationship between Physics and other Subjects
Establish the relationship between physics and other subjects
Knowledge of physics is also applied in other subjects. The principles of electrostatics and particulate nature, for example, are used to explain reactions in chemistry. The tools, implements and farm machinery learnt in agriculture as well as the process of dating historical remains are applications of physics.
Physics provides the basis for biology. Without space, matter, energy and time -- components that make up the universe -- living organisms would not exist. Physicist Richard Feynman said that everything on earth is made of atoms, basic units of matter, that constantly move. Since biology has its foundation in physics, it applies physical natural laws to the study of living organisms, according to Muskegon Community College. For instance, physics helps explain how bats use sound waves to navigate in the dark and how wings give insects the ability to move through the air. The American Physical Society shares that many flowers arrange their seeds or petals in a Fibonacci-like sequence to maximize exposure to light and nutrients. In some cases, biology helps prove physical laws and theories. Feynman states that biology helped scientists come up with the law of conservation of energy.
Importance of Studying Physics
State the importance of studying physics
Why Study Physics?
  1. Physics helps us tounderstand how the world around us works, from can openers, light bulbs and cell phones to muscles, lungs and brains; from paints, piccolos and pirouettes to cameras, cars and cathedrals; from earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes to quarks, DNA and black holes. From the prosaic . . . to the profound . . . to the poetic. . .
  2. Physics helps us toorganize the universe.It deals with fundamentals, and helps us tosee the connectionsbetween seemly disparate phenomena.Physics gives us powerful tools to help us toexpress our creativity, to see the world in new ways and then to change it.
  3. Physics providesquantitative and analytic skillsneeded foranalyzing data and solving problemsin the sciences, engineering and medicine, as well as in economics, finance, management, law and public policy.
  4. Physics is the basis for most modern technology, and for the tools and instruments used in scientific, engineering and medical research and development. Manufacturing is dominated by physics-based technology.
  5. Physics helps you to help others.Doctors that don’t understand physics can be dangerous. Medicine without physics technology would be barbaric. Schools without qualified physics teachers cut their students off from a host of well-respected, well paying careers.

Applications of Physics in Real Life
Discoveries in Physics have led to various inventions that influence our lives.
  1. At home;All tools and machinery that we use in our homes to make work easier are made in accordance with the laws of Physics. They include crowbars, hammers, door handles, cutlery, hinges, car jack, pulleys, tillage implements, and so many other things. For example, it would be difficult for us to try to lift a car so as to change its tyres. However, using a car jack makes this task easy. Electrical appliances such as cooker, iron, heater, electric lamps, washing machine and so on are a result of the application of the knowledge of physics.
  2. Medical field; A variety of medical processes and machinery rely on the application of the knowledge of Physics. Some of these machines are used in diagnosis and treatment of various ailments as well as sustaining the lives of patients through certain forms of therapy. Examples of machines used in hospitals include laser, x-ray, incubators, ultrasound and infrared machines. The knowledge used in handling and even actual use of these machines is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in Physics.
  3. Source of energy; Some processes and machines help us to obtain energy for our daily use. These machines make use of various laws of physics to give us different forms of energy. For example, batteries and generators provide electrical energy that is readily used in radios and televisions. A car battery provides energy needed to drive a car. When devices like bulbs are connected to these sources, they provide light energy for daily use.
  4. Transport; Application of laws of Physics governing concepts such as friction and frictional forces ensures that human beings and animals can walk, run and stop without falling over. Vessels used in transportation such as cars, ships, aeroplanes and trains are also able to move, brake and stop when necessary. This is all because the laws related to friction; flotation and balance are observed and applied accordingly. When these laws are disobeyed, ships sink and trains derail.
  5. Communication; Devices used in communication systems such as telephones, modems for accessing the internet and television, use cables, telecommunication transmitters and receivers to relay information. The knowledge of Physics is essential, because these instruments make use of fiber optics and radio waves in order to relay messages. Newspapers, letters, electronic mails (email), fax massages from fax machines and short messages (SMS) through mobile phones are reliable means of communication. All these things require the knowledge of Physics.
  6. Entertainment; Physics enables people to enjoy a variety of leisure activities as is evident in photography, digital appliances, exercise machines and other sport equipment.
  7. Industry; Physicists have been able to come up with tools and process that have resulted in advanced technological equipment and new discoveries. These include highly accurate skills such as computer assembly and computer programs used in design; and instruments like binoculars and telescopes; the ability to land on the moon and measure the temperature of bodies are a few examples.
  8. In schools;The instruments and apparatus used in school laboratories are made through the application of the knowledge and skill acquired in a Physics class. These apparatus have to meet certain specifications or standards that are universally accepted.
Physics in Daily Life
Apply physics in daily life
Driving a car requires a basic understanding of the principles of physics, whether the driver is conscious of them or not. For instance, the balance of a car changes as the car accelerates, decelerates or turns. To keep the car on the road, the driver must anticipate these forces acting on the car and make adjustments.
Having an understanding of physics may also help an individual to lift something heavy. For example, by using a simple machine such as an inclined plane or a lever, an individual can make the load easier to lift. Physicists study simple machines extensively and use the lessons they learn to make increasingly efficient tools.
To stay warm in the winter, people up turn the heat up or use the principles of physics to understand how to make better use of the heat that is already in their homes. Heat flows via conductive, radiant and convective means; understanding the differences between the three forms will allow an individual to insulate a house better. For example, by using ceiling fans intelligently, someone can make the convective heat flow in a house work to their advantage.
A Laboratory is a room or a building designed specifically for carrying out experiments.
Rules in a Physics Laboratory
State rules in physics laboratory
While working in the lab, individuals are advised to adhere to specific lab rules to ensure their safety, that of other people working in the lab and the safety of the apparatus and chemicals stored in the lab.
Rules in the physics lab
  1. You should only enter the lab in the presence of a lab attendant.
  2. Keep all exits and entrances to and from the lab clear of obstructions.
  3. Don’t eat or drink in the lab.
  4. Solid objects should not be thrown into the sink or water ways.
  5. Don’t use any lab container for drinking or storing food.
  6. Make sure that you wash your hands with soap before you leave the lab.
  7. The cover or stopper of a particular chemical must be replaced immediately after use.
  8. After experiments, clean your bench and leave it dry and well arranged.
  9. Never quarrel or fight in the lab.
  10. Never use ungloved hands to hold hot objects
Safety Measures in the Physics Laboratory
Explain the safety measures in physics laboratory
Safety measures in physics lab
  1. All experiments which produce poisonous fumes must be conducted in the fume chamber.
  2. Lab floor should not be polished to avoid slipperiness.
  3. Lab should have large windows and doors should be opened outwards.
  4. Ensure that the fire extinguisher is fixed to an appropriate place ready to be accessed in case of fire.
  5. In a multi storey building, a physics lab should be in the lowest floor.
Using First Aid Kit to Render First Aid
Use the First Aid Kit to render first aid
First aid is the immediate care given to accident victims or an injured person before he/she is taken to the hospital for further medical treatment. It reduces pain and it helps to bring hope and encouragement to accident victims.
A First Aid Kit is a small box which is placed in a safe and accessible place in the lab and is used for the storage of instruments and chemicals for first aid.
Contents of a first aid kit and their uses
1. Pair of scissorsTo cut adhesive tapes, bandages and gauze
2. Rolls of adhesive tapeTo hold firmly into wounds bandages, gauze and cotton wool
3. Bandages and cotton woolTo clean and cover wounds
4. Sterilised new razor bladesUsed when treating new or old wound
5. Sterilised woundTo clean and cover wounds
6. Safety pinTo tighten clip bandages
7. One jar of petroleum jellyTo apply on burns
8. Iodine tinctureTo clean fresh cuts and bruises
9. SoapTo wash hands and wounds
10. Antibiotic solution.To clean wounds
Warning Signs
Identify warning signs
Warning signs are signs on the containers of chemicals as warnings about the danger of the contained chemical. There are six warning signs.
These are substances can explode. An explosion is a forceful rapid reaction which involves the throwing off particles at high speeds.
The sign means that it is dangerous to keep explosives in glass containers.
This is a chemical/substance that helps a burning substance to burn faster.
Oxidising agent makes a small fire to become bigger. Heating a mixture of an organic material with an oxidising agent may cause explosion. Eg; heating potassium permanganate with saw dust.
These substances catch fire easily. They should not be kept near open flames. If heated,anelectric heater should be used.
These substances burn skin as well can corrode floors and desktops.
If by accident, a corrosive substance comes into contact with your skin, go to the sink and wash your skin with a lot of water. Examples; Concentrated mineral acids like HCl and HNO3 II. Concentrated alkalis like NaOH and KOH
These are very poisonous and can cause death immediately after use or after a few days. They should not be allowed to come into contact with you.
-If you come into contact with such a chemical accidentally, wash it away with a lot of water.
Harmful - these substances may cause illness or endanger your health. They won’t kill instantly but they are lethal. Irritating substances- cause pain in eyes or on your skin and can endanger your health if you are in contact with them doe too long.
They should be handled according to the stipulated instructions.
Warning Signs in Daily Life
Use warning signs in daily life
Activity 1
Use warning signs in daily life

Basic Principles of Science Investigation
The Concept of Scientific Investigation
Explain the concept of scientific investigation
Scientific investigation refers to the step-by-step procedures and methods employed in carrying out a scientific research.
Steps of Scientific Investigation
Identify the steps of scientific investigation
There are six different scientific step:
  1. Identification of a problem:This is the first step where a problem is recognised. It provides explanations to the day-to-day questions which we come across in our lives Eg; It is observed that despite adequate feeding, vaccination, treatment and spacious rooms, hens lay fewer eggs each day. What is the cause of the fewer number of eggs?
  2. Formulation of hypothesis: Hypothesis is an intelligent guess or a tentative explanation for the observation made. Using the example of a few eggs laid by hens per day the hypothesis could be; a smaller number of eggs are laid because of unusual high temperature in the room. In order to prove this hypothesis, an experiment have to be carried out.
  3. Experimentation: The experimentinvolvesa series of investigations intended to discover relationships or certain facts that may lead to the acceptance, rejection or modification of a hypothesis. The first step in experiment is to construct a plan of investigation.
  4. Observation and data recording:After setting up the experiment, a researcher makes careful observation using their sense organs and records all events that considers relevant.
  5. Interpretation of data:Once a researcher has collected data, he should try to explain the meaning of the experiment. This is an attempt to interpret the data. The data may be presented in a form of a table, bar chart, histogram or even graph.
  6. Conclusion:This is either confirmation or rejection of hypothesis.
A Theory is a set scientific assumptions consistent with one another and supported by evidence but not fully proved (is a hypothesis with more evidence).
Fact is a proved theory supported by evidence
Hypothesis →Theory →Fact
Scientifc Investigation Methods in Solving Problems
Use the scientific investigation methods in solving problems
Activity 2
Use the scientific investigation methods in solving problems

Concepts of Measurement
The Concepts of Measurement
Explain the concepts of measurement
Measurement is the process of assigning numbers to observations or events.
Importance of Measurement in Real Life
State the importance of measurement in real life
Measurements are so often taken for granted, we sometimes do not appreciate the grand importance measurements play in our lives. On a baseline level, measurements fall into the categories of weight, area, volume, length and even temperature. While we look at these various categories as stoic forms of mathematical measurements, a closer examination of things we do in everyday life reveals their clear importance.
Taking proper medicine. If you are ill (whether a serious or minor illness) you need to take your medicine and take it in the proper amount. If you take too little or too much then you are not going to get the proper benefit from it.
Cooking properly. Cooking of all forms is based on proper attention to measurement. Can you bake a chicken at 600 degrees? Well, you can but the results would be pretty catastrophic! Could you may a cup of tea by dipping a tea bag into a teaspoon of warm water?
Purchasing clothes. Now, how important could measurements be when selecting clothes? After all, to look good in clothing the main thing you need to pay attention to is style, right? Well, if you weigh 200lbs you aren't going to look stylish in an extra small shirt. Clothing is all based on size and proper fitting which are, of course, variants of measurement.
Playing sports. The importance of measurements may not necessarily reveal itself when you play sports but it is there in a big way. If you want to throw a runner out at first or make a 30 yard touchdown pass then you really need to be accurate and comes from a clear sense of depth and distance.
Making estimations. If you have to be at school at 9am what time would you have to leave in the morning if you are at your friend's house. Often we do not have an exact answer so we need to make an estimation which is essentially a guess of measurement.
Keeping yourself warm or cool. If the temperature outside dips or increases you have to make an adjustment on your thermostat in order to remain at a safe and healthy temperature. Understanding the measurement scale of a thermostat is critical in this regard or else you may find yourself feeling rather uncomfortable.
Understanding weight. Is that object too heavy to pick up by yourself or do you need to use something to lift it? Some may think this is not important but it is pretty easy to hurt yourself if you lift objects that are too heavy.
Proper use of capacity. Just how many clothes can you fit in a dresser or closet without it becoming too crammed? Without a clear concept of capacity you might find yourself pouring an entire half gallon of orange juice into a small glass!
Telling time. The ability to tell time is all based on measurement principles. Whether you are using a digital clock or an hourglass these devices measure the passage of time. Now, imagine how chaotic the world would be if if was impossible to measure the passage of time.
Transportation. How much weight is too much for a plane to take off or a car to move efficiently? How much fuel is needed to reach a certain point and how long will it take to get somewhere? Yes, measurements play a significant part in transportation.
Structure. This was saved for last because it is the common theme that is found in all the multitude of reasons for the importance of measurements. Measurements provide structure and remove the chaos that would result without any congruent method of understanding weight, mass, temperature, etc.
The Concept of Density of a Substance and its S.I Unit
Explain the concept of density of a substance and its S.I unit
The Density of a substance is its mass per unit volume.
The unit of density is kg/mˆ3. Other unit used is g/cmˆ3.Density of regular solid object can easily be found by direct and easy measurements.-It involves measuring the mass and calculating the volume as described in the experiment below.
The Density of Regular and Irregular Solids
Determine the density of regular and irregular solids
Activity 2
Aim;To measure the density of rectangular block.
Material and Apparatus :Ruler, beam balance and rectangular block.
Procedures:Using a beam balance measure mass of the block, m.Measure its length, width and height.
  • The mass of the rectangular block is m.
  • The volume of the rectangular block will be calculated by multiplying the obtained length, l height, h and width, w.
  • Volume, V = l x h x w, But; Density = mass/volume
  • The volume of a material can be obtained by using various methods depending on the shape of the material
Activity 3
Aim; To determine density of irregular solid.
Materials and apparatus:Irregular solid like stone, measuring cylinder, beam balance and water.
  • Obtain the mass of the given object using the beam balance.
  • Fill water to the measuring cylinder to the volume V₁.
  • Immerse the well tied irregular object totally in the cylinder containing water.
  • Record the new volume V₂.
  • Volume of irregular object = V₂ - V₁
  • Mass obtained = M
The Density of a Liquid
Determine the density of a liquid
Density of liquids can be determined by using a burrete or a density.
Activity 4
Aim: To determine density of liquids using a burette.
Materials and apparatus: Burette, beaker, beam balance and kerosene.
  • Record the mass of the empty beaker m₁ using a beam balance.
  • Pour the known volume of kerosene into the beaker by using bur rete, V.
  • Record the mass of the beaker and kerosene m₂.
Definition of the Relative Density of a Substance
Define the relative density of a substance
The Relative density of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of water.The density of water has the density of approximately 1.0g/cm³ or 1000kg/m³.
Note:Since the density of pure water is 1g/cm³, the RD of a substance will be represented by the same number as its density in g/cm³.RD has no units as its ratio of same quantities.
Applications of Density and Relative Density in Real Life
Interpret applications of density and relative density in real life
Application of RD in real life.
  1. It is the key factor which is considered during the design of various structures and equipment. Eg. ships and planes.
  2. Density is considered during the selection of materials.
  3. Density is also considered during the design of equipment used in swimming.

A force is an interaction that causes a change. In mechanics, a force is an interaction that causes a change in velocity (an interaction that causes acceleration).
The Concept of Force
Explain the concept of force
For better understanding of this concept, let’s ask ourselves the following question:
  1. What causes/makes a body at rest to move?
  2. What causes the same body in motion to stop?
The answers to these questions, is of course that a force is required to do so. Here, an applied force to a body can cause the body at rest to move or if already moving a body application of force can do the following when applied to a body.
  1. Force can cause a change in the way the object moves
  2. Change its size or shape
  3. Change the direction in which an object is moving
A force is defined as a push or pulls experienced by an object. The force is usually described in terms of its size (magnitude) and direction.
The S.I Unit of Force
State the S.I unit of force
The SI unit of force is a Newton (N).
A Newton (1N) can be defined as the amount of force required to give a mass of one kilogram (1kg) an acceleration of 1m/s2
Measuring Instrument (Device)
The instrument that is used to measure the amount of force that is exerted on an object is called spring balance.
A spring balance can be used to measure small forces. It consists of a coiled spring fixed to the other end with a hook at the other end. The body upon which the force acts is attached to the hook. The distance through which the spring is stretched is directly proportional to the force applied by the balance.
A pointer is attached to the spring and the force is indicated on a calibrated scale.
Structure of Matter
State of matter is defined in terms of the phase transitions which indicate the change in structure and properties. Solids, liquids and gases all are made up of microscopic particles. The behavior of all these particles also varies in three phases.
The Concept of Matter
Explain the concept of matter
Matter is anything, such as a solid, liquid or gas, that has weight (mass) and occupies space. For anything to occupy space, it must have volume.
The Particular Nature of Matter
Justify the particulate nature of matter
Matter is made up of tiny particles. The particles are atom or molecules, examples of substances, which are made up of atoms, are: gold, copper, Argon and silver; and those made up of molecules includes oxygen, water and ammonia.
  • In solid, storm’s attractive forces hold molecules together so that they are not free to move but they can only vibrate about their mean positions.
  • In liquids there are weak forces of attraction between molecules therefore the molecules are free to move randomly. The distances between molecules in liquids are therefore are larger than in solids.
In case of gases the molecules experience very weak forces of attraction and hence they are free to move randomly filling the whole space of the containing vessel. The distances between molecules in gases are comparatively greater than those in solids and liquids as shown in the figure above.

Demonstration to show the intermolecular space in solids, liquid and gases.
The Kinetic Theory of Matter
Explain the kinetic theory of matter
Generally, when solid particles are placed in the source of lead the particles tends to move from hot area to cold areas. These particles move because it gains energy that called it Kinetic energy.
Kinetic theory of matter sometimes attempts to explain how properties of gases like pressure, temperature and volume remain in constant motion.
There are three main parts of the Kinetic theory of matter. This includes:
  1. Matter is made up of tiny invisible part.
  2. Matter comes in different sizes.
  3. There is a point that the smallest particles of matter can be the fastest.
Therefore kinetic theory of matter states, “All matter is composed of small particles”Or “Particles of matter are in steady motion and that all impacts between the units of matter are completely elastic”
Three States of Matter
Classify three states of matter
There are three states of matter, namely:
  1. Solid state
  2. Liquid state
  3. Gaseous state
Solid state is the state of matter, which include solid materials, in which the intermolecular force between molecules are greatest and distance between molecules is small. Examples of solid state are wood, iron, etc.
Liquid sate is the one of the state of matter in which the intermolecular forces are low compared to solid state, there is greater distance between one molecule and another. See on figure 1.0 (b) examples water, soda, kerosene, and petroleum.
Gaseous state is the state of matter in which there is no intermolecular forces between molecules hence molecules are free to move from one place to another examples of gases are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide gas.
Difference between solid state, liquid state and gaseous state of matter
Solid stateLiquid stateGaseous state.
It concerns with solid matterIt concerns with liquids/ fluids matterIt concerns with gases
Have high intermolecularLow intermolecular forceNo intermolecular force
No distance between moleculesThere is little distance between moleculesMolecules are far from each other
Good examples are iron materials, woods etc.Good examples are water, soda, kerosene and petrolGood examples are oxygen and hydrogen
Rownian Movement
According to Robert Brown: Brownian movement refers to the irregular motion of tiny particles suspended in fluid (liquid organs). Consider the demonstrationbelow
Robert Brown, an English Botanist, powered some pollen grain in water and observed that particles floating in the water were darting about.
The irregular motion of tiny particles suspended in a fluid (fluid or gas) is called Brownian movement.
The tiny particles dart about because liquid molecules that are in state of motion bombard them.

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